
近在FreeCodeCamp(FCC)学习前端的课程,其中有一节就是讲的 regexp ,也就是正则表达式。我之前零星地了解过一些正则表达式的相关知识,但不足以对正则表达式得出一个完整的认识。FCC的教程循序渐进,由简到繁,在教学中结合练习,非常适合初学者的学习过程。如何你的英文能够达到阅读技术类文献的水平,又正好想学习一下正则表达式,我推荐你试一下FCC的正则表达式教程,花3~4个小时就能够对正则表达式有个完整的理解。






let myString = "Hello World";
let myRegex = /Hello/;
let result = myRegex.test(myString);

使用 | 进行or匹配

let regex2 = /cat|bird/;

使用 i 标识符在匹配时忽略大小写

let regex3 = /case/i;

使用正则表达式进行字符串过滤,使用 match 方法

let extractStr = "Extract the word 'coding' from this string.";
let codingRegex = /coding/; // Change this line
let result = extractStr.match(codingRegex); // Change this line

使用 g 进行返回满足规则的多次结果, g 为global的缩写

let twinkleStar = "Twinkle, twinkle, little star";
let starRegex = /twinkle/gi; // Change this line
let result = twinkleStar; // Change this line

使用 . 匹配所有的字符,使用 [] 匹配指定的字符

let quoteSample = "Beware of bugs in the above code; I have only proved it correct, not tried it.";
let vowelRegex = /[aeiou]/gi; // Change this line
let result = quoteSample.match(vowelRegex); // Change this line

[] 中可以使用 - 代表一个范围

let quoteSample2 = "The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.";
let alphabetRegex = /[a-z]/gi; // Change this line
let result = quoteSample2.match(alphabetRegex); // Change this line


let quoteSample3 = "Blueberry 3.141592653s are delicious.";
let myRegex = /[h-s2-6]/gi; // Change this line
let result = quoteSample3.match(myRegex); // Change this line

使用 ^ 符号能够匹配不包含某些字符

let quoteSample4 = "3 blind mice.";
let myRegex2 = /[^0-9aeiou]/gi; // Change this line
let  result = quoteSample4.match(myRegex2); // Change this line

使用 + 对出现连续出现的字符进行匹配

let difficultSpelling = "Mississippi";
let  myRegex3 = /s+/g; // Change this line
let result = difficultSpelling.match(myRegex3);

使用 * 星号匹配可能没有出现的次数(出现次数为 0~n 次)

let chewieQuote = "Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaarrrgh!";
let chewieRegex = /Aa*/; // Change this line
let result = chewieQuote.match(chewieRegex);

使用 ? 进行较短匹配 (lazy match, 与greedy match 对应)

let text = "<h1>Winter is coming</h1>";
let myRegex = /<.*?>/; // Change this line
let result = text.match(myRegex);

使用 ^ 对出现在字符串开始位置进行匹配
注意上边也用到这个符号表示取反,是在 [] 中表示取反

let rickyAndCal = "Cal and Ricky both like racing.";
let calRegex = /^Cal/; // Change this line
let result = calRegex.test(rickyAndCal);

使用 $ 对出现在字符串结束位置进行匹配

let caboose = "The last car on a train is the caboose";
let lastRegex = /caboose$/; // Change this line
let result = lastRegex.test(caboose);

使用 \w 代替 [A-Za-z0-9_] ,包含所有的数字、字母和下划线

let quoteSample = "The five boxing wizards jump quickly.";
let alphabetRegexV2 = /\w/g; // Change this line
let result = quoteSample.match(alphabetRegexV2).length;

使用 \W 代替 [^A-Za-z0-9_] ,相当于上边的逆向匹配

let quoteSample = "The five boxing wizards jump quickly.";
let nonAlphabetRegex = /\W/g; // Change this line
let result = quoteSample.match(nonAlphabetRegex).length;

使用 \d 代替 [0-9] ,所有数字匹配

let numString = "Your sandwich will be $5.00";
let numRegex = /\d/g; // Change this line
let result = numString.match(numRegex).length;

使用 \D 代替 [^0-9] ,所有非数字匹配

let numString = "Your sandwich will be $5.00";
let noNumRegex = /\D/g; // Change this line
let result = numString.match(noNumRegex).length;

使用 \s 代替 [ \r\t\f\n\v] ,与空格和换行相关

let sample = "Whitespace is important in separating words";
let countWhiteSpace = /\s/g; // Change this line
let result = sample.match(countWhiteSpace);

使用 \S=,代替 =[^ \r\t\f\n\v] ,不包含空格和换行

let sample = "Whitespace is important in separating words";
let countNonWhiteSpace = /\S/g; // Change this line
let result = sample.match(countNonWhiteSpace);

使用 {min, max} 对字符出现的次数进行限定
回想起使用 + 限制次数为 {0,} ,使用 - 限制次数为 {1,}

let ohStr = "Ohhh no";
let ohRegex = /Oh{3,6} no/; // Change this line
let result = ohRegex.test(ohStr);

仅限制出现次数的下限 {min,}

let haStr = "Hazzzzah";
let haRegex = /Haz{4,}ah/; // Change this line
let result = haRegex.test(haStr);

指定出现的次数 {count}

let timStr = "Timmmmber";
let timRegex = /Tim{4}ber/; // Change this line
let result = timRegex.test(timStr);

使用 ? 匹配可能出现的字母
问号用于声明lazy match,如何判断是lazy match还是匹配可能出现的东西呢

let favWord = "favorite";
let favRegex = /favou?rite/; // Change this line
let result = favRegex.test(favWord);

lookahead 的概念, (?=...)(?!...)


let password = "abc123";
let checkPass = /(?=\w{3,6})(?=\D*\d)/;
let result = checkPass.test(password); // Returns true


let sampleWord = "astronaut";
let pwRegex = /(?=\w{5,})(?=\D*\d{2,})/; // Change this line
let result = pwRegex.test(sampleWord);

截取字符串中的重复部分,使用括号 () 对内容进行补充,是用 \1 表示第一个捕捉到的字符

let repeatNum = "42 42 42";
let reRegex = /^(\d*)\s\1\s\1$/; // Change this line
let result = reRegex.test(repeatNum);

通过截取字符串,可以对截取的字符串进行修改或替换操作,需要使用 replace 方法

"Code Camp".replace(/(\w+)\s(\w+)/, '$2 $1'); // Returns "Camp Code"

下面的正则表达式就是用于将 good 替换为 okey-dokey

let huhText = "This sandwich is good.";
let fixRegex = /good/; // Change this line
let replaceText = "okey-dokey"; // Change this line
let result = huhText.replace(fixRegex, replaceText);

使用正则表达式实现类似 .trim() 的功能

let hello = "   Hello, World!  ";
let wsRegex = /^\s+|\s+$/g; // Change this line
let result = hello.replace(wsRegex, ''); // Change this line


在emacs中内置了 string-match 函数进行正则表达式匹配,其函数原型为 (string-match REGEXP STRING &optional START) ,下面就是在emacs中使用regexp的示例。

(setq str-regexp "\.[h|cpp]$")
(setq str-sample-1 "sample1.h")
(string-match str-regexp str-sample-1)

python中内置了 re 模块用于正则表达式匹配,下面就是在python中的regexp示例。

import re
pattern = r"Cookie"
sequence = "Cookie"
if re.match(pattern, sequence):
    print("Not a match!")